Saturday, January 14, 2012

Deconstructing Characters

Protagonist: The Stinger



     For the color of my protagonist I chose yellow and black, which is a monochromatic color scheme. The hue is yellow and then the value is darkened all the way until you get black. I chose yellow as the primary color because it is a bright color that creates a warm and sunny disposition. Even though black is usually associated with evil or danger I still chose it as the secondary color. One reason is because yellow and black match the color scheme to the creature my character is based off of. Black can also represent fear as well, so it also matches my character's fear for the danger he is about to face.


     I chose the sun to represent the lighting for my character. The sun represents brightness and happiness, and usually stands for good things. My hero is cast in the sunlight to show that his intentions are good and that he fights for justice. The Stinger may be scared, but he does not hide in the shadows. The sun is in the background and it also is a connection between my character and nature. The direction of the light is vertical as it shines down upon my hero and the light is very intense. The hardness of the light is diffused everywhere but also the most intense light is focused directly on The Stinger.


     For the shape of my protagonist I chose a triangle. Triangles represent speed and agility to show how fast and agile my hero is. More importantly his shape is an upside down triangle, which shows that he is rising up against all the injustice in the world. His wings are what help to give him the triangular shape and the source of his speed and agility. The triangle is a dynamic shape and while my character is strong, the triangle suggests that he is not extremely powerful or an over imposing force.

The Antagonist: The Mauler


     For the color of my antagonist I chose brown and black, which is a monochromatic color scheme. The hue is black and then the value is turned up to the hue brown. I chose black as the primary color because it normally represents evil, monstrous and death. I chose brown as the secondary color because it is still a dark color to represent the darkness of the character. It also represents earth and nature which are what my characters are based upon and the brown and black color scheme matches the creature my antagonist is based off of.


     I chose this dark picture for the lighting for The Mauler. Darkness represents his evil intentions and that he wants to destroy everything good in the world. The light being far away shows that the antagonist is far from every returning to the light of goodness. The light casts everything around it in shadow and there is only a small amount of light compared to the darkness, showing how much stronger the dark force is than the light. The intensity of the light is very low and the direction of the light is horizontal towards the viewer. The light is far from the viewer as well and is diffused, but it is over taken by the darkness around it, causing it to fade away.


     For The Mauler's shape I chose a square. Squares are solid structures and represent stability. They also represent strength and the shape gives my character the appearance of a formidable foe. The square is also less friendly than other shapes which fits his role as an antagonist. His shape also gives the impression of a big hulking character and this could possibly be frightening to those who see him. The Mauler's square shape also suggests he will be a difficult enemy and it will take a lot to bring him down.

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